Pat & I busted our asses on the tank/mounting for the ERWN SR500 last week and we're 75% done so we left it alone for the weekend and I took the opportunity dust off my FL project and put a little time in on it. People came and went, worked on bikes, traded off riding every ones bikes, Bob & my girl Frances cranked out a quick but delicious BBQ, I forgot about the internet until a few minuets ago, All & all a great few days.

good times... Thanks!
Nikki and I were down in LA for a few hours this weekend .. if I would've known you were having a barBQ..haha.. damn.
nice lighting...
See now? Troy you should've let me know we would've loved to put you guys up & have some food & drink, we had a little fun for sure.
Next time...
Oh that fucking light!
As I head closer to 50yrs I find I can't see for shit in low light, so I found this big spot light on the Ebay & figured it would be perfect to move around over whatever we were working on. Well the "Go Green" Douche Nozzle I bought it from rewired it for one of those under powered 3 prong pretzel neon deals and it doesn't put off enough light to see the end of your nose. So I guess I'll rewire it?
Looking like a proper bike shop! nice.
thanks! we didn't have any time to even stay a night.. :( next time!
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