First off I need to apologize for all those e mails, blog comments, phone calls & texts that have gone unanswered over the past 6 or 8 weeks. In my defense I've spent every long waking hour on either Bench*Mark or this bike. This bike has been an on & off build for exactly 2.5 years and not only did I want to ride it but I thought the Born Free show would be the kick in the ass I needed to get it done. Over the past few weeks I think I threw in the towel twice, threw a part across the parking lot once, got home before 11pm 3 times, Blah, Blah, Blah.
Well we made it and this morning after we got the Bolts Action crew on the road to Baja I rolled it out & shot a few quick photos.

SO Many People had a hand in on this bike, I am truly grateful to everyone who helped!
First and foremost my partner in Bench*Mark, Great Friend and all around good person, Patrick McCormack, Thank You Pat!
My Core day to day support
Chris Collins
Rob Warren
Paul Wisniewski
Matt Landman
Nancy McCormack
And all those that that had a hand in either with parts, advise or both.
Trent, Atomic cutoms
Brandon, Mullins Chain Drive
Scott "T-Bone" Jones
Christain, Xian Leather
Jayme, Blue Moon Kustoms
Eric, Choppin Steel
Craig Tirey, Scrapmetalart
Bill & McGoo, Biltwell/Chop Cult
Fab Kevin
Bob & Jeff, Temecula Motorcycle service
Rick, Intense Cycles
Ken, Morelands Choppers
Caleb & JD, Cro Customs
Mike, FlatIronMike CustomWorks
Kutty, Hippy Killer Garage
I'm sure I forgot someone?
And most of all my girl Frances who tolerated a zillion long hours with understanding, zero complaints and a ton of support.
Thanks Ya'll
It's time to ride the shine off this thing!
Cheers, Marcus
Killer Job Kim!
Looks killer man!
very extra great
Beautiful job Kim! Just the right amount of shiny stuff.
Thank you & I'm taking it easy this week.
Unreal man. It makes me feel like a slouch. haha
its as good as i thought it would be mate!
I wish i could send you my bike one day Kim...that grey looks so smart..that brake resevoir for the front KICKS ASS as well as your tail light, the list goes on. Great Job
tidy, very tidy
Very nice clean and minimal. What tires are those K180??? thanks dakine
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