Crazy Weekend.
I had big plans of shooting a lot of photos so I could have something to post & I started out OK but beer, moonshine, sunburn & sleep/food deprivation all took it's toll on my motivation. You know I really just wanted do a bunch of nothing with my friends anyway. Thursday out at Kutty's was fun & the ride was beautiful. Thanks to Bob for putting us up.
Of course The Bash was well planned and came off without any major drama. Just a great time with great people. Bill, McGoo & Chris, Thank You once again for putting together another amazing event.
There's a lot of photos over at the Jockey Journal if you want.
Pat shook down & ironed out his Sporty this weekend. Some small issues to work on and it should bullet proof for summer.

I was out at Kutty's 5 or 6 weeks ago and since then he's built a mini ramp, a nice big shop and made a good amount of progress on his latest digger project. I think he's figured out how to add more hours in the day? This bike is going to be amazing.

San Diego Dudes... I can't get enough of that orange bike.

Slim, as to be expected a YZ490 packed in an RD350 chassis, some sort of bore/hand made piston deal?
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