Cut, grind, weld, for hours and hours. 1978 was the first year for this bike and the amount of useless tabs and brackets is insane, the 81 I did last summer had way less. three years made a big difference. Although I can see the light at the end of the tunnel I have a feeling I'll be doing the same all day today.

For you locals, Last night Chris jump started Wednesday bike night at Hensleys 09. A few people showed up, it was fun but the best was riding home rolling down PCH under a big bright moon, it made me forget the grinder ringing in my ears.
See ya next Wednesday.
Thanks for showing me the place its gonna be an annual wed night staple this year!
So emo of you. the moon really,i think there might be a extra pair of painties at the end of my pants.had fun last night.
ummm .... wes aren't you posed to ride?
good time was had , now i just gotta skinny up my fxr so i can ride in w/ youse guys!
Well Wes Sean is right it's nearly impossible to have this experience in the family 4 door sedan on bike night and if you grew up in PA you would never take for granted riding next to the ocean under the moonlight in the beginning of April. You'll understand all this a little more after your 22nd birthday.
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