I've had a lot going on as of late so posting has suffered but not as much as getting my own bike done. With the ERWN SR in limbo for a few days and everyone else having weekend plans I finally got to put in a few hours on this never ending FL project. With Bobs help we hoisted the motor in and out a few times to fit and change back to original rocker covers & D rings. I also spent a good amount of time fitting the fender. The rockers have a more original feel to me and allow the tank to fit the way Brandon intended. I'm super picky about this fender fitting properly, I think it's a fine line between good & goofy on these swing arm bikes. It's obviously not mounted yet but I'm pretty happy so far.
Bob and I also got a great start on a pretty cool cable activated foot clutch set up for his FLH as he's taking the leap to a belt drive, jockey shift and kick only but I'll save that for another post.

You are gifted Kim, it's nuts. Is there room for paint between that rear dishpan and tank!?
well done, nice shape to the fender.
Excellent work. man that bike is tight! Can't wait to see it finished!
Very cool, looks lie a fun project!
Thanks all, comments from some "good eyes" means a lot. It's been a super fun project thus far & most of all a huge learning experience. I've been felling "Juicy" lately.
looking good- love the front end and the tire choice
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