I've been welding on a giant oak desk that I'm pretty sure came from some vacant receptionist position and it was only a matter of time before it bursts into flames. So with a couple of donated legs from my buddy Tim, some leftover square bar and a big piece of free scrap plate that Pat came up with I welded up a somewhat proper welding table.

Yeah, I've been welding on a proper frame topped with mdf for a while. I'm dreading covering it with 1/4" steel. Probably blow an o-ring moving a huge chunk of metal like that..
Me too, a sturdy wood bench with a thin metal top is getting me by for now. I'd like to build an all steel unit someday and put it on rollers.
I am with you guys. MDF with a sheet metal top...
Ahh, jeez! My little table lights on fire all the time. Okay- time to upgrade.
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